Happy New Year! Thank you to all those who serve, or served. Cheers!πŸ₯ƒ

Thinking of you Dad.πŸ‘

Switching the office around for 2019😁

Let sleeping dogs πŸ’€…

Let sleeping dogs πŸ’€…

Boxing Day constitutional.πŸ˜β˜€οΈ

Boxing Day constitutional.πŸ˜β˜€οΈ

Manna for an overworked digestive system!

Manna for an overworked digestive system!

Cake. Lots of it.😍

A demonic Merry Christmas from Spice 😈

Getting the coals going for some Christmas eve #souvlaki πŸ˜πŸ‘

Coffee time!

Coffee time!

Getting through the #review and making #goals #bulletjournal #planneraddict

Starting my end of year process.#review #plan #goals #bulletjournal

#bulletjournal Going to be my system for 2019. What are you going to use?

#bulletjournal Going to be my system for 2019. What are you going to use?

30 minutes before dawn. Dark you might think. The hunters of #Cyprus are blazing away regardlessπŸ™„

30 minutes before dawn. Dark you might think. The hunters of #Cyprus are blazing away regardlessπŸ™„

Course in great nick, open every day bar Christmas Day. Boxing Day round…hmmm..πŸ˜πŸ˜‰